Our Values

Kingdom Community

(1 Peter 2:9): We are a community of women seeking real connection, real community, real healing, real purpose, to glorify the one real God. The Well is for any woman who wonders.

The Word

(2 Timothy 3:16-17): We have an insatiable appetite for the Word. The Bible is our life, our breath, our guide, our authority. It is the Word of God, infallible.


(John 3:16): We love Jesus. He is our Savior, Sustainer, & Friend. We are His followers - always changing to be more like Him.

Redemptive Freedom

(Galatians 5:1): In Christ we are redeemed and set free, to partner with Jesus to redeem and set others free.


(Revelations 12:11): We do not preach, we testify. Sermons tell but stories touch. Our story brings glory to God.


(John 14:26): We follow where the Spirit leads, we do what the Spirit asks us to do. We are always attentive, always listening.


(Ephesians 2:10): We come as we are, exactly as we are. We invite and accept others in the same way.


(Ephesians 2:8-9): We are saved by grace, saved to extend grace.


(1 Corinthians 12:12-27): We uplift, we support, we do not abandon. We need each other.


(Luke 6:19) We believe no one is beyond the healing touch of Jehovah-Rapha, the Lord Who Heals.


(2 Corinthians 3:18): We are being made new, we are not who we were, we are who we are becoming. We cheer each other on as we grow.