Donate to The Well

Your donation helps make The Well possible - it funds the space, the programming, the details, and the cost of operations. With your help, we are able to create a space to welcome women and change lives. Thank you for your partnership.

Other ways to donate

  • @thewellgr

    When you donate please indicate if the donation should go towards The Well in Grand Rapids, Lansing, Grand Rapids En espanol, or if you don’t have a preference.

  • When you donate please indicate if the donation should go towards The Well in Grand Rapids, Lansing, Grand Rapids En espanol, or if you don’t have a preference.

    Make checks payable to:

    “The Well GR, INC”

    and mail to:

    The Well GR c/o Anne Jansen
    8289 Burlingame Ave SW
    Byron Center, MI 49315